Impact 922 Ministries is a ministry committed to training and equipping the next generation of leaders in a strategy for evangelism, discipleship, and the empowerment of young people.

The ministry was launched in 2002 as Urban Training Network is a division of Impact 922 Ministries. Impact 922 Ministries is the parent company of Urban Training Network.

Urban Life Camp
A five-day camp designed with urban kids in mind – culturally-relevant, contemporary, high-energy, high-impact camp for Middle school and High school students.

Our Mission is to train and equip ministry leaders in a strategy for evangelism, discipleship and the empowerment of today’s urban leaders.

Our vision is to assist ministry leaders in the task of helping people become fully committed followers of Jesus Christ.
Support Impact922 Ministries
Impact 922 is a DBA of the Urban Training Network, and relies primarily on the contribution and support of persons who believe in our cause. Your donations are definitely welcomed and needed.