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Multiply Youth Leaders Initiative 

Youth Ministry “Core” Seminar

Urban Training Network

Career Coaching for Students™

Student Leadership Summit

Youth Ministry Training Available Workshops

(Note: Each workshop is delivered in a 45-60 minute format)

Download as a PDF or click on topics below.

Foundational Principles for Effective Youth Ministry
  1. The Heart of the Leader – Helping leaders become spiritually prepared to be the leader God has called them to be.
  2. A Biblical Foundation for a Relevant Youth Ministry – How to develop a ministry that is culturally relevant without compromise of the Gospel.
  3. Developing a Volunteer Leadership Team – How to recruit, train, screen, and empower quality leaders for a long-term ministry.
  4. Understanding “Levels of Programming” – Designing a Student Ministry that reaches students where they are, and taking them through stages of maturity in their faith.
  5. Penetrating the Student Culture – Developing a passion and a plan for reaching “new-hearers with the Gospel. How to bring the Gospel to lost teenagers … wherever they are.
  6. Strategic Programming — Practical strategies for designing a balanced youth ministry program.
  7. Principles in Relational Youth Ministry
Evangelism / Discipleship
  1. Evangelism in a Postmodern World
  2. Presenting the Gospel to Teenagers
  3. Teaching Teens to Share their Faith
  4. Follow-up Care for new Believers
  5. Discipleship Ministry – How to motivate students and move them toward maturity in Jesus Christ in a small group environment.
  6. Implementing a Discipleship Program – The Nuts and Bolts
  7. How to Run an Effective Small Group
Developing Next-Generation Leaders
  1. Developing Student Leaders
  2. Helping Students Identify Their Gifts and Calling
  3. Involving Youth in Ministry — How to empower students as leaders
Teaching the Bible / Effective Communication
  1. Qualities of Effective Teaching
  2. Teaching Methods / Creative Teaching Strategies
  3. Putting Together a Message for Students
  4. Making your Meetings Come Alive — How to plan exciting meetings
Organizing Your Ministry
  1. Developing a Ministry Mission, Vision and Strategy
  2. Developing a Strategic Plan – How to think through and develop a plan for the growth and development of your ministry.
  3. Time Management — Balancing Ministry and Family
  4. Organizing Your Life & Ministry — General Office Management and Procedures
  5. Youth Ministry for the Long Haul – How to stay focused, morally pure, fresh, and energized for ministry over the long haul.
  6. Planning Out Your Ministry Year
  7. Events, Finances, Budgeting and Organizing
  8. SWOT Analysis – Tools for Assessing Your Ministry
  9. Better Safe Than Sued (Principles in Risk Management)
  10. Organizing and Executing Big Events – Includes Camps, Retreats and Events
Critical Issues in Youth Ministry
  1. Ministering to students Cross-Culturally  How to reach students from across cultures
  2. Helping Students Navigate through Social Media
  3. Establishing Rules and Discipline in your Group
  4. Teaching Teens about Love, Sex, and Dating
  5. Helping Teens who Struggle with Sexual Identity
  6. Reaching At-Risk Teens
  7. Addressing the Issue of Bullying
  8. Mentoring Youth
  9. Counseling Teenagers — Basic principles for counseling teens
  10. Helping Teens in Crisis — Being able to identify the “warning signs,” and knowing what you can and should do
  11. Basics of Drugs and Alcohol
  12. Family-Based Youth Ministry
  13. Understanding Today’s Youth Culture

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Multiply Youth Leaders Initiative 

Youth Ministry “Core” Seminar

Urban Training Network

Career Coaching for Students™

Student Leadership Summit

Leadership Program for High School Students

Young people have an amazing ability to lead! This is not only borne out in the statistics… this has been my reality. Both as a high school student, as well as leading hundreds of student leadership programs over the past 35 years!

The problem that exists are:

  • Students are not aware or convinced they can be a leader
  • They are not trained in the art and skill of leadership
  • They are not given ample opportunities to lead

Contact us to schedule a Student Leadership Summit for your students. This is best conducted in an all-day Saturday event, or 2-3 evening sessions.

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